
cryptoNalitica is a new tool to help you make strategic decisions. This is done by monitoring investment data and studying the market. Our mission is to bring simple information in a practical and elegant way. That way, you can go beyond traditional assets and price changes.

Our differential is to propose views and information linked to factors that go beyond the protocol, for example:
1st - reaching a new audience: The coin listing on Binance makes it reach a new audience that often uses the exchange as the only way to make investments. That is, cryptoNalitica comes as an easy alternative to help those who are not working fully immersed in the DeFi world. 2nd - Community: Our goal goes beyond providing data for strategic decision-making - we want to form an engaged and close community that will always be welcome to help us make constant improvements. 3rd - Commits: In addition to coin performance data, we also provide interesting information in the crypto world, such as the number of lines of code being written by each of the developer communities of the listed projects. 4th - Investors: Finally, we consider it relevant to help our community understand how large investment funds and institutional capital are positioning themselves, which is why we also provide this data.
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